Our server store offers a selection of products to improve your experience on your server. Your generous contributions play a crucial role in supporting the growth and improvement of our server.
When you make a purchase, anticipate the delivery of your in-game product within 1-15 minutes. Please ensure that you are on the server during this period to receive your item. If, for any reason, you do not receive your product within this timeframe, kindly create a ticket in our Discord for prompt assistance.
Encountering issues with our store? Reach out to our staff for assistance. Whether through Discord, in-game chat, or email us at "xfireboxserver@gmail.com," we are here to help and ensure your experience remains seamless.
We assure you that all information provided on our webstore is strictly confidential and will not be shared with any third parties. Rest assured, your data is securely stored to ensure your privacy and protection.